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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 17, 2023
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During #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, we are glad to partner with Invision Sally Jobe for your screening needs. Mammography is currently the most important tool in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

During #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, we are glad to partner with Invision Sally Jobe for your screening needs. Mammography is currently the most important tool in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

A mammogram uses a low-dose X-ray to take a digital image of the breast while the breast is compressed. Mammography finds abnormalities that cannot be seen or felt by you or your doctor. Most of these abnormalities are not cancer, but they must be further investigated by a radiologist.

While mammograms don’t prevent breast cancer, they help a doctor find it much earlier. A mammogram can identify a lump up to two years before it will become large enough for you to feel it. By finding breast cancer early, a woman’s chances of survival are higher, and she may have more treatment options available to her. When breast cancer is found early, the five-year survival rate is greater than 95%. Additionally, finding breast cancer early enables more women to select treatment options that allow them to keep their breasts.