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Patient Stories: Justina W. Gets Full Treatment

Jan 12, 2021
Patient Stories: Justina W. Gets Full Treatment
At the beginning of this year I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. As you can imagine, I was very scared. I needed a port and had one placed in a local Denver hospital.

At the beginning of this year I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. As you can imagine, I was very scared. I needed a port and had one placed in a local Denver hospital.

After completing treatment it was time for me to have the port moved, but the hospital was unable to get me in to take it out. I was sent to RIA Endovascular outpatient clinic. I cannot believe what a huge difference there is between the hospital and an outpatient facility. It was super easy to access and such a comfortable experience.

The people at RIA Endovascular are so nice and I absolutely never felt like I was an imposition on them. They were helpful and comforting during my procedure. Nurses Jess and Aaron are phenomenal. They took such great care of me. Michael was the IR technologist that helped Dr. Yee. He and I hit it off right away. He caught onto my southern accent and it was like we were already connected. Dr. Yee removed my port and was very efficient and kind. I have dealt with Lindsay at the front desk several times and she is always lovely.

I’m glad that I came to the outpatient center and did not have as many nerves as I had during previous procedures. After my port came out I was a little worried about one of the veins around my port. Jess got me right in to see Dr. Kooy. Dr. Kooy showed me the ultrasound and exactly what was going on with the vein. There was absolutely nothing wrong. It was nice of them to have me come in so I could have peace of mind.

I highly recommend RIA Endovascular. The whole team and the whole experience was fantastic.

(photo: Todd Kooy, MD performing a procedure)